The latest Hacker News newsletter includes a summary of the findings of a survey of web browser activity by a company called Layer X.
We know nothing about this company but the findings of their report, as summarised by The Hacker News, ring true.
Their report finds that the top browser security threats in 2022 included:
- phishing attacks via high reputation domains,
- malware distribution via file sharing systems,
- data leakage exploiting personal browser profiles,
- outdated browser applications,
- compromised passwords, and
- high-risk browser add-ons and extensions.
The report also states that more than 50% of browser applications used in the 'enterprise environment' last year were misconfigured.
And that "stealing data from misconfigured browsers is like taking candy from a baby".
The leading misconfiguration was listed as "poor patching routine".
In other words, out of date versions of Web Browser applications being used to interact with the web.
Read more: The Layer X Browser Security Annual Report 2023.
Protect Your Browser
The security and privacy settings of a Web Browser can usually be tightened to protect your privacy and optimise security.
There are many different Web Browser applications available for you to use.
We like Firefox.
If you use Firefox and want to review how you can tighten its privacy and security settings then you may find the following link useful.
Read more: Protect Your Web Connection - Browser Security.
Protect Your Privacy
We highlight some useful links to help protect your privacy when browsing the web in our separate JOOMLERS.UK User Guide.
Read more: Useful links to help protect your privacy.
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