Joomla! Website Design Coaching Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKDuckDuckGo is our preferred search engine.

Why do we use DuckDuckGo?

The developer state on their website that: "Google tracks you, we don't."

They also confirm our suspicion that "Incognito Mode" isn't really private.

And state: "Our apps block most hidden trackers. Same internet, more privacy."

If you would like to block third parties from tracking you when you use the web, then you too might like to try using DuckDuckGo.

Read more: About DuckDuckGo Search Engine

Tell your friends about DuckDuckGo


Last year things got better

The developer introduced @duck dot com forwarding addresses.

Email without trackers!


"DuckDuckGo Email Protection is a free email forwarding service that removes multiple types of hidden email trackers and lets you create unlimited unique private email addresses on the fly – without switching email providers or apps."


  • Link Tracking Protection that helps prevent tracking in email links,
  • Smarter Encryption that helps with unencrypted email links, and
  • the ability to reply directly from your Duck Addresses.

Find out more: Get an @duck dot com forwarding address


And things just got even better!

The developer has just launched Duck Player to improve your YouTube experience!

Imagine that, listening and watching YouTube videos without the constant interruption of annyoying ads.


"Duck Player is a free YouTube player available in the DuckDuckGo browser for Mac and Windows that lets you watch videos on YouTube without privacy-invading ads and keeps what you watch from impacting your recommendations.‌‌

The browser’s built-in video player protects you from tracking cookies and personalized ads by enforcing YouTube’s strictest privacy settings for embedded video, all within a distraction-free interface. In our testing, Duck Player prevented ads from loading on most videos altogether. When watching with Duck Player, YouTube can still log video views, so it’s not completely anonymous, but your viewing history does not contribute to your personalized recommendations or your YouTube advertising profile."

Source: DuckDuckGo.

First add the DuckDuckGo search engine extension to your browser.

Then select the Videos tab to search for video content see image below.

Finally, choose how to watch:

  • either Watch Here, using Duck Player
  • or Watch on YouTube.

duck player example

Read more: Use Duck Player to improve your YouTube experience


About WYNCHCO Solutions

Joomla CMS Website Design - Web Site Support - Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside North West UK

We offer Joomla! CMS website coaching design and support services to business, academy school, public and third sector organisations which subscribe to WYNCHCO Joomla! CMS Support.

We support organisations in Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, and the North West region from our office in Warrington. If you are based in the UK but outside the North West, we can still help.

Our Mission is to put you in control of your website.

We enjoy keeping up-to-date with the latest Joomla! developments, trends and best practices and sharing our expertise with you to help you optimise how you use your Joomla! CMS website.

We work hard to develop and maintain long-lasting customer relationships.

Read more: Customer Feedback.

We aim to deliver excellent support to our customers at all times.

We pride ourselves on building long-standing close-working relationships with our customers.

Key words

  • Collaboration.
  • Flexibility.
  • Shared Purpose.
  • Trust.

Our commitment

To provide you with:

  • accurate and up-to-date product information,
  • helpful solutions to support requests,
  • transparent invoicing,
  • SSL encryption when you visit our website.

To monitor our services to ensure optimal performance.

To safeguard your personal data.

To resolve your concerns promptly and professionally.

To pay our suppliers promptly and in return ask that our customers do the same.


For Personal Joomla! CMS Help & Support

Call 0770 300 4155Call 0770 300 4155

Joomla! Website Design Coaching Support Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside UKDuckDuckGo is our preferred search engine.

Why do we use DuckDuckGo?

The developer state on their website that: "Google tracks you, we don't."

They also confirm our suspicion that "Incognito Mode" isn't really private.

And state: "Our apps block most hidden trackers. Same internet, more privacy."

If you would like to block third parties from tracking you when you use the web, then you too might like to try using DuckDuckGo.

Read more: About DuckDuckGo Search Engine

Tell your friends about DuckDuckGo


Last year things got better

The developer introduced @duck dot com forwarding addresses.

Email without trackers!


"DuckDuckGo Email Protection is a free email forwarding service that removes multiple types of hidden email trackers and lets you create unlimited unique private email addresses on the fly – without switching email providers or apps."


  • Link Tracking Protection that helps prevent tracking in email links,
  • Smarter Encryption that helps with unencrypted email links, and
  • the ability to reply directly from your Duck Addresses.

Find out more: Get an @duck dot com forwarding address


And things just got even better!

The developer has just launched Duck Player to improve your YouTube experience!

Imagine that, listening and watching YouTube videos without the constant interruption of annyoying ads.


"Duck Player is a free YouTube player available in the DuckDuckGo browser for Mac and Windows that lets you watch videos on YouTube without privacy-invading ads and keeps what you watch from impacting your recommendations.‌‌

The browser’s built-in video player protects you from tracking cookies and personalized ads by enforcing YouTube’s strictest privacy settings for embedded video, all within a distraction-free interface. In our testing, Duck Player prevented ads from loading on most videos altogether. When watching with Duck Player, YouTube can still log video views, so it’s not completely anonymous, but your viewing history does not contribute to your personalized recommendations or your YouTube advertising profile."

Source: DuckDuckGo.

First add the DuckDuckGo search engine extension to your browser.

Then select the Videos tab to search for video content see image below.

Finally, choose how to watch:

  • either Watch Here, using Duck Player
  • or Watch on YouTube.

duck player example

Read more: Use Duck Player to improve your YouTube experience


About WYNCHCO Solutions

Joomla CMS Website Design - Web Site Support - Warrington Cheshire Manchester Merseyside North West UK

We offer Joomla! CMS website coaching design and support services to business, academy school, public and third sector organisations which subscribe to WYNCHCO Joomla! CMS Support.

We support organisations in Cheshire, Manchester, Merseyside, and the North West region from our office in Warrington. If you are based in the UK but outside the North West, we can still help.

Our Mission is to put you in control of your website.

We enjoy keeping up-to-date with the latest Joomla! developments, trends and best practices and sharing our expertise with you to help you optimise how you use your Joomla! CMS website.

We work hard to develop and maintain long-lasting customer relationships.

Read more: Customer Feedback.

We aim to deliver excellent support to our customers at all times.

We pride ourselves on building long-standing close-working relationships with our customers.

Key words

  • Collaboration.
  • Flexibility.
  • Shared Purpose.
  • Trust.

Our commitment

To provide you with:

  • accurate and up-to-date product information,
  • helpful solutions to support requests,
  • transparent invoicing,
  • SSL encryption when you visit our website.

To monitor our services to ensure optimal performance.

To safeguard your personal data.

To resolve your concerns promptly and professionally.

To pay our suppliers promptly and in return ask that our customers do the same.


For Personal Joomla! CMS Help & Support

Call 0770 300 4155Call 0770 300 4155